Obama Wrong on Latin America, Wrong on Cuba

Published: Wed 16 Sep 2009 11:37 AM
Obama Wrong on Latin America, Wrong on Cuba
COHA will be issuing a press release tomorrow morning chastising President Obama for not taking a decisive step to veer away from Washington’s benighted near half-a-century trade embargo against Cuba. By refusing to take advantage of the opportunity to reject a morally bankrupt policy based on hypocrisy, double standards, and inconsistencies, in favor of constructive engagement, President Obama turned his back on the possibility of a U.S. policy of new beginning when it came to Latin America. When it comes to the hemisphere Mr. Obama is sadly not the U.S. president bringing “change” that millions of North and South Americans had hoped for. Rather, he has failed to recognize his own professed foreign policy objective of reaching out to old foes like the Castro brothers, by exhibiting the courage and politicized wisdom necessary to call for the termination of the embargo.
This analysis was prepared by COHA Staff
Posted 14 Sep 2009
Word Count: 100

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