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New Zealand Politics

PSA: Overturning Court Of Appeal Decision On Foreshore And Seabed Is Abuse Of Power

The 2004 Act vested ownership of the foreshore and seabed in the Crown, extinguishing any Māori claims to ownership and causing widespread outrage and protests among Māori communities.

NZ Labour Party: Charter Schools To Remove The Rights Of Teachers

The coalition Government is driving to dismantle our public school system and instead promote a privatised, competitive structure that puts profits before kids, Labour education spokesperson Jan Tinetti said.

Te Pāti Māori: Te iwi Māori Will Not Stand For Another Foreshore And Seabed

It is time for us to step into our tino rangatiratanga and break the Crown’s colonial monopoly on power.
Business, Science & Tech

Bill Bennett: 5G Ubiquitous In NZ By 2030

Asia-Pacific report says New Zealand will move fast to reach 95 percent 5G penetration by 2030. Ericsson to supply 2degrees with radio access network (RAN) technology for the next five years. OIO gives Datagrid land purchase the nod.

Auckland UniServices Ltd: NZ-Japan Data Share Will Enhance Vaccine Research

Under the MoU, data from Kyushu University’s LIFE and VENUS studies will be integrated into the GVDN, significantly benefitting global vaccine collaboration.

University of Auckland: Researchers Unite To Advance Space Technology

As part of the research efforts, the University of Auckland is teaming up with the University of South Australia to develop a system for managing an international network of optical ground stations.

Martin LeFevre - Meditations: The Pervasiveness Of Inward Deadness Is Not The Result Of “The Deadening Effect Of The Super-Rich”

We, those who still care about the viability of the earth and the future of humanity, have to look deeper than boilerplate thinking on the left.

Peter Dunne: Dunne's Weekly - Removing An Incapacitated Leader

Both the law and the Cabinet Manual are silent on how to deal with the situation of a Prime Minister who, for whatever reason, becomes incapable of performing their duties, and who will not stand aside. The underlying assumption is that in such situations, which are extremely rare, common sense and good judgement will prevail and that the person will come to the “right” decision and stand down.

Gordon Campbell: On A Textbook Case Of Spending Waste By The Luxon Government

A high profile example of spending by the Luxon government that looks like a big, fat waste of time and money is the deployment of NZDF personnel to support the US-led coalition in the Red Sea.

ITUC: Workers Fundamental Right To Organise Is Crucial In Combating Heat Stress

The ITUC calls for a commitment by all governments and employers to enhance policies and practices addressing heat stress through social dialogue and collective bargaining.

New Zealand Defence Force: NZ Army Instructors March Out With Fijian Recruits For The First Time

For the first time, New Zealand Army instructors have participated in the marching out of Republic of Fiji Military Force (RFMF) recruits.

FAO: Urges Immediate Action As New Variants Of Avian Influenza Threaten Asia And The Pacific

Governments, international organizations and the private sector must collaborate and share information transparently and in a timely manner to devise effective containment strategies.

NZSO: NZSO Winter Festival In Wellington Boasts Global Violin Superstar

Vengerov, dubbed “one of the greatest violinists in the world” by Classic FM, features in the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra’s Immerse 2024 Rumakina winter festival from 9 August.

Tuwhiri: How Do We Respond In A Mindful, Compassionate Way To The Social And Political Crises We Face?

Our political activism should aim for not just social transformation but also at individual transformation by supporting our capacities for mindfulness and compassion.

NikNak Media: Celebrate The Paris 2024 Olympic Games With NZ Anthem, ‘Ain’t Just Dreaming’

TOI x The NZ Team featuring Olympians Ellesse Andrews and Max Brown
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