Howard Should Raise West Papua Issue At APEC

Published: Mon 3 Sep 2007 11:55 AM
Howard should raise the issue of West Papua with Indonesian President at APEC
The Australia West Papua Association (AWPA) calls on Prime Minister Howard to raise the issue of West Papua with the Indonesian President at APEC.
AWPA believes that West Papua will be one of our most pressing foreign policy issues in the future.
Joe Collins of AWPA said that "the situation in West Papua is deteriorating and that there is a systematic campaign by the military and police to intimidate any individual or organisation whom they (the military and police) deem to be separatists."
"These acts of intimidation by the security forces appear to be a return to the hard-line policy of the Suharto years and is causing increasing tension and instability in West Papua which could eventually lead to instability in the region".
APEC is the perfect opportunity for the Prime Minister to discuss West Papua with the Indonesian President. He should raise concerns about the ongoing human rights abuses in West Papua and urge President Yudhoyono to dialogue with the West Papuan leadership to peacefully solve the many issues of concern in the territory.
The issue of West Papua will not disappear. It will only become the pebble in our shoe if it is ignored, Collins said.

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