Torture: it won't end until we speak up

Published: Wed 23 Jun 2004 10:13 AM
Torture: it won't end until we speak up
"No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment." -Article 5, Universal Declaration of Human Rights
On 26 June people around the world will commemorate the International Day for Support of Victims of Torture.
Amnesty International-Israel Section, the Public Committee Against Torture in Israel, Treatment and Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Torture in Ramallah, Defence for Children International/Palestine Section, the Gaza Community Mental Health Programme and Physicians for Human Rights-Israel invite the general public to take part in an event to commemorate the day and to protest against the use of torture and inhuman treatment on any person in any place.
The event will take place on Saturday 26 June 2004 in the Cinematheque Plaza in Tel Aviv (corner of HaArbaa Street) between 17:00 and 20:00. During the event some of the types of torture used in Israel will be demonstrated. Similarly, information on torture in Israel and worldwide will be available.
Background Information on Torture
Even though International Law prohibits the use of any form of torture, it is used in over 80 countries, including democracies, worldwide. The majority of torture victims are civilians- not soldiers. Generally, these people are tortured because of their social, religious or ethnic affiliations, as a means of political suppression and realization of political and military goals, and as expressions of revenge, hate and frustration. Since torture is frequently committed by state agencies, the persecutors enjoy immunity from standing trial.
Background on Israel and Torture
People, including children, imprisoned in Israel suffer frequently from inhumane prison conditions, including: overcrowding, suffocation, sleeping on the floor, little or no food and humiliation. Violence, including abuse, against prisoners is common in detention centers and prisons in Israel, and also during arrests physical violence is sometimes used. During interrogations the security forces regularly use scare-tactics and threats on prisoners. Some are held in painful positions for extended periods of time and they are deprived of sleep. All this, even after the High Court's decision from 1999 regarding torture.
Doctors are completely prohibited to actively or passively participate in torture. Doctors who ignore and fail to and report on prisoners' complaints regarding torture, or any other inhuman or degrading treatment, and doctors who sign medical documents of "fitness" for interrogations- during which torture is used- are actively taking part in torture.
Torture is intended to break the person, the family and the society. Torture is not moral, no matter the circumstances, and it must be stopped immediately.
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