Clinton Media Fawning Disappoints

Published: Wed 15 Sep 1999 10:45 AM
Libertarianz Deputy Leader Richard McGrath wonders where our country's leading news reporters have disappeared to. "We obviously had the B-team in action during Bill Clinton's state visit," he suggests. "I have never seen such a tame bunch of obsequious lapdogs - the interview with Clinton and Burton Shipley was just excruciating to watch".
"Bill Clinton is a man recently fined by a judge for lying under oath," reminds McGrath. "A man who allegedly raped a woman while governor of Arkansas. A President whose unprecedented assault on Amendments 1, 2, 4, 5, & 13 to the Constitution still proceeds apace, and whose Attorney-General is under investigation for her disgraceful part in the 1993 massacre in Waco, Texas.
"And, of course, he is now famous for treating White House interns as chattels," adds McGrath. "Any reporter worth his salt would have tackled Mr Clinton about his scandalous conduct, instead of which our media were falling over themselves trying to humour him. What a bunch of toadying wimps!"

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