Generation Zero - “Supportive of Labour’s transport plans"

Published: Sun 6 Aug 2017 02:03 PM
Generation Zero on transport announcements “We are supportive of Labour’s transport plan”
Generation Zero supports Labour's plan to fund a Light Rail Network in the city it announced today.
Auckland Director of Generation Zero, Leroy Beckett, says; "It’s relieving to see so much attention on the transport crisis from National and Labour today. It deserves to be an election issue. We need investment in public transport."
"Auckland need’s light rail. It need’s electrification to Pukekohe. It needs planned and sustained investment in a public transport network that will allow Aucklanders to travel free from congestion. What we don’t need or want are more motorways."
"Labour’s plan, inspired by the Congestion Free Network, is the right one. It would go a long way towards solving our cities transport problems."
"Light rail from the North Shore to the Airport and to the Northwest will provide a dedicated rapid public transport route to a huge portion of Auckland not served by the rapid transport network.
"It helps to reduce the number of cars on our motorways, buses clogging up our city streets, and will provide a reliable public transport option for locals and visitors arriving at the airport."
"It’s disappointing to see the Government continuing to push motorways that suck up billions of dollars of the transport budget and only provide short term relief from congestion with the likes of East West Link. That money is better spent on a rapid transit network that will allow people to move around the city without being stuck in traffic."
"We have backed a regional fuel tax as the quickest most efficient way to raise funds to invest in Auckland’s transport, with a plan to introduce road pricing as a demand control once Aucklanders have the option not to drive."
"It’s great to see Labour open to giving Auckland the option’s to help fund its growth ."

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