Jevan Goulter Calling for Te Ururoa’s Resignation

Published: Wed 27 Jul 2011 01:19 PM
Jevan Goulter Calling for Te Ururoa’s Resignation
The latest comments to fly from Maori Party MP Te Ururoa Flavell’s mouth in regards to youth suicide in my opinion are enough to question his position as a member of parliament and to call for his resignation.
His thoughts in the Rotorua Times that we should not celebrate the death of our youth and instead they should be buried at the entrance of a cemetery as opposed to a proper tangi on a marae is absolutely disgusting, and not empathic towards the families of these suicide victims at all.
Te Ururoa Flavell later said that he actually did not know much about the subject and should keep his mouth shout, in my opinion if this is his view on how he views the youth of our country who are victims of bullying, homophobia, depression and an ongoing list of other things as well as his view on how their families should be treated then he needs to resign immediately and realise that he does not speak on behalf of his people or any other people in New Zealand.
I would much rather see a Member of Parliament that is working to decrease the high youth suicide rate that New Zealand has with constructive ways and ideas to do this as well as building foundations to help those and identifying those who need the help before it happens, and supporting their families when it does happen instead of giving them a double slap in the face by saying that instead their death should not be recognised nor celebrated and leaving the families of these victims out in the cold.
My best friend committed suicide in 2005 Te Ururoa. To read your thoughts that you think myself, my friends and his family should not have been allowed to celebrate his death and the amazing person that he was is enough for me to realise that you are the wrong person to be representing thoughts of New Zealanders.
I ask that you resign as the Member of Parliament for Waiariki and instead go back to your people and the people of New Zealand to learn about humanity and empathy.

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