Media Ignore Elephant in the Room

Published: Tue 1 Dec 2009 02:50 PM
Press Release
for Immediate Release
Climate Change
Media Ignore Elephant in the Room
Libertarianz leader Richard McGrath said he is still waiting for local media to pick up on what he called “the biggest political news story of the year” – the collapse in credibility of British scientists at the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit
“These are the scientists whose work was regarded as pivotal in demonstrating the extent of man-made global warming, supposedly the most important issue of the age,” said Dr McGrath. “Their reputation now lies in tatters, and the British press are having a field day.”
“The e-mails between these scientists, now exposed to the light of day thanks to whistleblowers, provide a treasure trove for the media, who now have a golden opportunity to challenge what was previously regarded as ‘settled science’.”
“Original data, from which wide-reaching pronouncements on climate change were made, has been revised, massaged, hidden or conveniently lost or destroyed when requests were made to produce it under the Freedom of Information Act.”
“I am staggered that the local news media hasn’t made more of this, given the recent passage of the ETS Bill and pending international junket in Copenhagen. The political pressure on climate scientists has been exposed. Now is the time to ask unpopular questions about the interplay between politically-motivated government grants, left-leaning academic ideology and climate research results. The New Zealand media should not bend to political pressure by ignoring this scandal.”

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