RAM: Stop the killing in Gaza!

Published: Wed 7 Jan 2009 09:46 AM
Stop the killing in Gaza!
Media release
RAM – Residents Action Movement
6 January, 2009
Wellington RAM members today took part in a 300-strong protest against Israel’s assault on Gaza.
“It’s fitting that the protest began outside the Ministry of Foreign Affairs”, said Residents Action Movement spokesperson Grant Brookes. “If the Minister, Murray McCully, is acting in accordance with the advice of his officials, then the Ministry deserves to be targeted by protesters.”
The Foreign Minister has said little on the biggest international crisis of the day, apart from declaring that New Zealand “won’t choose sides” in the conflict.
“British prime minister Gordon Brown has called for an immediate ceasefire”, said Grant Brookes. “Venezuela’s popular president, Hugo Chavez, has condemned the Israeli attacks as criminal, and called for ‘a massive campaign of repudiation’. Our government should do likewise.”
“National’s refusal to speak out against the slaughter of Palestinian civilians is simply a continuation of what the last Labour government called its ‘even handed approach’.”
“RAM is committed to building a broad people’s movement which also stands in elections, to create a grassroots alternative to the morally bankrupt politicians of National, Labour and their coalition allies.”

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