Childcare Should Remain The Domain Of Parents

Published: Mon 12 Nov 2007 02:57 PM
Childcare Should Remain The Domain Of Parents
The National Council of Women of New Zealand (NCWNZ) is concerned the current interpretation of the Education Act, which requires a service providing regular care for three or more children to have an educational programme in place, is targeting the wrong places.
“Gym crèches, Sunday Schools, what next: your local teenage babysitter needs an ECE qualification before parents can have a much needed night off?” Christine Low, NCWNZ National President said. “At some point parental responsibility has to kick in, and this includes the onus of responsibility of practising good judgement.”
NCWNZ believes the majority of parents work very hard to keep their children safe and well cared for. This means when they choose to participate in activities outside of the home, it is their choice and decision that their children are placed in a crèche that is only a child minding facility rather than an education facility. Parents are entitled to make this decision without being forced to have their children formally educated.
“While the Minister of Education is certainly seeking to do the right thing by parents by enforcing regulations on services offering some degree of childminding, we may be taking the red ink a bit far,” said Christine Low. “Women want to be able to use gyms as part of their work life balance, and an in-house crèche facility goes hand in hand with this. Parents want a safe, clean place for their kids and market forces will help to drive the expected standards. Childminders who have some training in First Aid and understand the basics in dealing with squabbling children, without resorting to physical discipline, are more desirable than an onerous set of regulations,” concluded Christine Low.

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