Pharisaic Tamaki ‘Bishop Of Intolerance’

Published: Tue 29 May 2007 03:59 PM
Press release: Pharisaic Tamaki ‘Bishop Of Intolerance’
By Tim Wikiriwhi.
Libertarian Independent.
“Those with no grasp of history are doomed to repeat it” are the words of warning Libertarian Independent Tim Wikiriwhi has for the people of New Zealand regarding Brian Tamakis’ Destiny Church protest outside the Asian/Pacific Interfaith Forum held at Waitangi today. He said that while he himself is a Bible believing Christian, he was concerned that many Kiwi Christians will be deceived into supporting Brian Tamiki in his bid to make our nation into what he describes as “the Christian equivalent of the Taleban”, sighting Tamikis’ recent anti- gay rights protests in regards to the civil union bill and Tamakis’ manipulations during the prostitution by law process in local body politics. He said Brian Tamaki would throw Mary Madelyn in prison!
“These are evidence of what he describes as “ Tamikis’ unchristian Pharisaic legalism which were the very errors of Puritanism that led to witch burning, and the Holy Inquisition, in which non Catholic Christians were murdered beside anyone else who disagreed with Rome.”
Mr Wikiriwhi said Tamaki could learn a lot from the modern day Catholic and Anglican bishops of New Zealand who have come out in defense of religious freedom and said these bishops appear to have learned from past mistakes and as a result are now much closer representatives of Christ and ST Paul. “St Paul forsook legalism, intolerance, and persecution, at his conversion to Christianity and henceforth propagated his new beliefs by free speech without evoking the state to impose his religion upon others.”
Mr Wikiriwhi said that part of his reason for standing for Mayor of Hamilton in the forthcoming elections is to promote the principle of the separation of church and state and attempt to abolish his cities prostitution by law which he believes contravenes this principle and the righteous purpose of decriminalizing prostitution.

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