Bishop Tamaki to Present Counter-Declaration to PM

Published: Tue 29 May 2007 12:10 AM
Tuesday 29 May 2007
Bishop Tamaki to Present Counter-Declaration to Prime Minister at Waitangi
At about 12.30pm today, prominent New Zealand church leader Bishop Brian Tamaki will head a delegation of church representatives from the Ngapuhi Grounds (immediately south of the Waitangi Bridge) to the Copthorne Hotel and Resort, which is the venue of the Prime Minister’s Asia Pacific Interfaith Forum at Waitangi.
Once outside the Copthorne Hotel, Bishop Tamaki will read and then deliver to representatives of the Prime Minister, an official document pertaining to New Zealand’s Christian identity.
“Yesterday I extended a formal invitation to Prime Minister Helen Clark, for her to receive from me an official document that aims to cement New Zealand’s Christian identity in such a way that it cannot be tampered with by future Governments. Last night it was confirmed that the forum’s organisers Dr Manuka Henare and Tia Barrett (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) will receive the declaration on the Prime Minister’s behalf, ” says Bishop Tamaki.
The exchange will occur at about 12.45pm outside the Copthorne Hotel and is expected to draw a significant gathering of people who have travelled from around the country to participate. The event will conclude with a rousing challenge from the Destiny Church haka team.
“I understand the Prime Minister’s Forum concludes with a Waitangi Declaration that has religious and political ramifications, so it is very important that we present something that ensures 170 years of significant Christian heritage is protected for future generations. I believe the document I intend to deliver to the forum today will be the basis of much needed debate and discussion, not just at Government level but most importantly, by the people of New Zealand.” Bishop Tamaki added.
Much to the delight of event organisers, a large high is forecast over Waitangi today.
Event details can be viewed on

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