Forty Hour Week Still Not A Reality - PSA

Published: Wed 25 Oct 2006 03:24 PM
PSA Media Release
Forty Hour Week Still Not A Reality - PSA
Forty hour week still not a reality in public sector 166 years after Parnell
A forty hour working week is still not a reality in the public sector on Labour Day in 2006, 166 years after carpenter Samuel Parnell took a stand for the eight hour day in 1840. “State Service’s Commission figures show that nearly 70 percent of public servants work more hours than they are paid for,” said PSA National Secretary Richard Wagstaff.
“New Zealand’s long hours culture must be addressed to ensure that New Zealand worker’s can balance their family, community and work commitments.”
“Our union is seeking to ‘take back time’ by ensuring that workloads are manageable and that all workers get paid a fair living wage.”
The PSA is currently undertaking work to encourage employers in the public service to adopt practices to ensure decent work and decent workplaces.
“A decent workplace is one where employees are respected, the hours of work are manageable and where pay and condition are fair,” said Richard Wagstaff.

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