Science funding changes

Published: Thu 8 Apr 2004 02:37 PM
PSA Press Release
April 8, 2004
Science funding changes
Changes to the science funding system announced today by the Minister are long overdue and will create a more stable funding base for medium and longer-term science projects, PSA national secretary Richard Wagstaff said today.
“For too long our top scientists have been treated like commodities in a contestable market. We are delighted that the Minister has recognised this problem and as far as we are concerned the changes can’t come quick enough.” “The PSA has worked hard over recent years to try and achieve changes to the uncertainty and unpredictability surrounding the contestable funding process which placed short-term needs ahead of long-term research goals. We are pleased that the Minister has indicated today he has been listening to our concerns.”
Richard Wagstaff said, however, that the PSA continued to have concerns about the impacts of the current science funding round.
“While the changes will help in the medium to long-term, there is still an immediate threat to capability in the science sector. The PSA believes that any failure to stem the loss of capability in the short term will undermine confidence for reforms of the funding system as well as have the direct effect of losing more scientists.”
“New Zealand has already lost some of our best scientists, we cannot afford to lose any more.”

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