Stop Stealing From Maori To Pay For TV

Published: Wed 25 Jul 2001 10:40 AM
"The Labour/Alliance minority Government should stop stealing money from Maori in taxes to let them fund their own television network, rather than setting up a nationalised, taxvictim funded, propaganda service for the Minister of Maori Affairs and his cronies" said Libertarianz Leader Peter Cresswell.
"Given both Sky Television and Telstra Saturn have indicated that any Maori television channel would be considered for their own satellite and cable television services, it is absurd for the Government to be involved. The best thing the Government could do is to sell off all UHF television frequencies it holds to the highest bidder, to allow anyone who wishes to set up a television network the frequencies to do so." says Cresswell.
"Letting the Treaty of Waitangi continue to be a noose around the neck of all New Zealanders by forcing us all to pay for a channel few of us will watch is immoral and outrageous."
"This channel will be getting $32 million a year from taxvictims within three years to promote the Helen Clark/Parekura Horomia/Sandra Lee/Tariana Turia vision of tribal, collectivist Maori victimhood that worships ghosts and unable to achieve anything without Nanny State and its bureaucrats."
Cresswell concluded "Libertarianz would free Maori from the oppression of high taxation, sell TVNZ and the airwaves completely, allowing Maori and all New Zealanders the equal opportunity to set up whatever channels they wish".
It's enough to make you vote Libertarianz!

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