Sister Sadista RIP (Robbies Interesting Pelvis)

Published: Mon 21 Aug 2000 04:32 PM
Sister Sadista RIP (Robbies Interesting Pelvis)
"It is with [celebration] sorrow that the Corrective Party reports the demise of Sister Sadista SM, first Mistress Superior of the Corrective Party." said Sister Psychotica, her [blackmailer] successor today.
"Sadista met her end from spontaneous combustion. She exploded with moral outrage after watching the latest Robbie Williams video [and his heaving, sweat-soaked masculine body which left nothing to imagination...]. Sadista will be sorely missed by all SM nuns [due to her bullwhip use...]."
["The Correctives want to refute those foul rumours that she was a crazed anti-sex stalker who throttled satyromaniac old men, and killed others through calisthenics. Or that she dressed up in suggestive clothes and hung around in bars. That was all the fault of her head injury. Although I wish the nun- chucker hadn't been quite so effective..."]
"The Correctives will be working on our tribute to Sadista, "A Stand for Nunnery: Sister Sadista, the Society To Obliterate Prurience, Indelicacy and Titillation, and the Corrective Party." [And no, we will NOT be using those tacky seventies and eighties nunsploitation videos as source material. Do I make myself clear, Sister Graphicerotica?!]
[Right, that's the draft done. Sister Catastrophica, correct this and circulate this as a media release. What?!?!?! What do you mean the email malfunctioned and sent it- oh no! Cancel it...what do you mean its too late?!?!?!!!"]
Contact: Sister Psychotica SM/ 06 3583609.

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