Winston Attack Racist against Sikh’s Freedom of Religion

Published: Mon 14 Aug 2017 08:24 PM
Winston Attack Racist against Sikh’s Freedom of Religion
Winston Peters has yet again displayed ignorance of modern New Zealand when he attacked Sikhs’ pursuit to carry a kirpan, a ceremonial religious dagger in public places and workplaces, says David Seymour.
“Winston yearns for the time Indians belonged in the corner dairy; in modern New Zealand, the Indian community is an important part of the economy, society, and culture.
“ACT will ensure that in the next Parliament, we will ensure a bill is passed to allow Sikhs to wear the kirpan in public.”
“As a Sikh, this is an attack my freedom of religion. Anyone who can’t tell the difference between a 2 metre long lethal weapon and a 10 centimetre ceremonial ornament needs to properly educate and inform themselves,” says ACT candidate, Bhupinder Singh
“The kirpan is a symbol of religion and article of faith for a baptised Sikh, and part of the statutory code of practice to carry the 5K’s (Kesh, Kara, Kanga, Kaccha, and Kirpan).
“Mahesh Bindra should have properly informed Winston of our religion and symbol and has failed as both ethics spokesperson and truly representing our community before making uneducated statements.”

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