Ignore the rhetoric, National thinks you're a rich prick

Published: Sun 25 Jun 2017 07:31 PM
Ignore the rhetoric, National still thinks you're a rich prick
"Tax-cutting rhetoric from the Prime Minister is encouraging, but history shows we'll need a stronger ACT to turn rhetoric into action," says ACT Leader David Seymour.
"The only time National has cut tax rates this century was in 2010 when ACT held the balance of power.
"Since then, National's record on tax has been dismal. Instead of reducing the tax burden like a centre-right government should, they've allowed bracket creep to push people into higher tax brackets.
"The adjustments taking effect next year won't change the fact that someone earning over $70,000 pays a massive 33 per cent tax rate. ACT says these earners aren't rich pricks. They're ordinary Kiwis saving for homes and paying off mortgages, and they deserve a tax cut.
"With 3.5 per cent of the vote, ACT will have five MPs and the leverage to make National cut tax rates properly, instead of just tinkering with bracket thresholds.
"ACT would ensure that no-one pays more than a 25 per cent tax rate. And we'd cut company tax from 28 per cent to 25 per cent, with a long-term plan to bring it even lower."

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