Updates to Building Code proposed

Published: Wed 20 Jul 2016 01:42 PM
Hon Dr Nick Smith
Minister for Building and Housing
20 July 2016 Media Statement
Updates to Building Code proposed
The Government is proposing changes to 32 Building Code compliance documents to ensure standards keep pace with industry developments, best practice and new research, Building and Housing Minister Dr Nick Smith says.
“The construction sector is growing at a phenomenal rate and building activity is at record levels. We need to ensure we maintain the standards of building work through this boom. These new and updated standards are part of our plan for addressing New Zealand’s housing challenges.”
The proposals involve adding two new Acceptable Solutions around waterproofing, and amending 32 existing Acceptable Solutions and Verification Methods. These include changes to the requirements for glass barriers, safety glass, foil insulation and slip resistance of walking surfaces.
“We need input from the public, particularly those in the building industry, so we can be sure the proposed revisions are workable and effective,” Dr Smith says.
“This is part of wider government work to bring about greater efficiencies in the building industry, including investing in a single website to improve access to, and compliance with, building regulations. The new website is expected to be ready early next year.
“We are lifting our investment in New Zealand’s building standards. We are also ensuring they are more accessible for those in the building industry, with the development of the ministry’s new building code website.”
For more information on the consultation and to provide a submission, go to runs until 31 August 2016.

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