Dunne: Brownlee gets it right over Mokihinui

Published: Wed 4 Nov 2009 04:46 PM
Media Statement
Wednesday 4 November 2009
Dunne: Brownlee gets it right over Mokihinui
UnitedFuture Leader Peter Dunne is pleased Energy Minister Gerry Brownlee has announced the Government does not intend to continue with the Mokihinui River hydro scheme.
“The environmental and recreational impacts of the proposed dam and the artificial lake it would have created far outweigh the fairly minor increase in electricity generation that would have resulted from this project,” said Mr Dunne.
“It is my hope that large-scale hydro projects are a thing of the past, we cannot just keep damming our remaining untouched rivers; they are a finite resource of which we have very few left.”
“New Zealand's wilderness and the public's access to it is what makes this country a great place to live, it is therefore important that recreational values are included with economic, environmental and conservation considerations in all future planning and development.”
“The shelving of the Mokihinui proposal is a pointer to the future of energy production in New Zealand,” said Mr Dunne, “it is obvious we need to think outside the square and invest heavily in generation methods that allow us to produce electricity closer to where it is consumed.”
“I would like to see much more focus given to the development of affordable small-scale solar and wind generators as well as a continuation of investment into energy efficiency solutions.”
“New Zealand's population is growing steadily and will continue to grow, we must find a way of supporting our energy needs without damming every last river,” said Mr Dunne.

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