NZ should give emergency aid to Gaza

Published: Fri 9 Jan 2009 11:41 AM
9 January 2009
NZ should give emergency aid to Gaza
Green MP Keith Locke is calling on the Government to give emergency aid to the people of Gaza.
"We need to be part of the world response to the humanitarian catastrophe," said Mr Locke, Green Party Foreign Affairs Spokesperson.
"A big boost to our aid would show the people of Gaza that we care about their plight.
"New Zealand is getting left behind. A week ago Australia announced an extra $A5 million in aid to Gaza. It is not good for New Zealand to be seen as less responsive to the dire situation in Gaza today.
"The extra aid should be accompanied by a call for Israel to stop its military onslaught, which with every bomb and shell is adding to the suffering of the people."

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