National targets information super highway

Published: Mon 4 Aug 2008 10:10 AM
Judy Kirk National Party President
2 August 2008
National targets information super highway
National Party President, Judy Kirk has today formally launched a new-look web-site in preparation for the election.
The website includes all National's latest policy releases, the latest media statements from National MPs, profiles on all National's candidates and video journals from Leader John Key. It also includes new buttons for donating to the party vote campaign, becoming a member or signing up to volunteer to help
"It's clear that to be a serious contender in modern politics you have to have a good internet gateway.
"People want the opportunity to take a balanced look at what parties are offering, with the sort of focus that you don't always get in mainstream news programmes."
Mrs Kirk says a major focus of the Party over coming months will be to drive on-line donations, through the website, to the Party's election fighting fund.
"We want to give the many thousands of Kiwis who want a better future for New Zealand the opportunity to be part of our campaign.
"The trend internationally, including the US, is to encourage grass-roots, internet-based democracy where everyone pitches in. We think that's healthy and our new web site promotes that.
"Any amount of money people can give will help. It's donations from ordinary New Zealanders that will make all the difference to our party vote campaign."
The new National website is fully funded by the Party and its supporters.

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