Schools get $22 million for new buildings

Published: Mon 3 Dec 2007 04:12 PM
3 December 2007
Schools get $22 million for new buildings
Fifty-nine schools around the country will get extra funding of $22 million this year to help them provide enough space for things like libraries and administration areas, Minister of Education Chris Carter says.
The funding comes from the School Property Guide Deficiencies Programme, set up in 2000.
“This funding will allow schools around the country to improve areas where their property has not caught up due to roll increases,” Chris Carter said.
The funding is in addition to schools’ normal five-year property budgets which are spent on addressing quality issues with existing buildings.
“Schools will be able to combine this latest funding with other property budgets they have, such as their five-year capital works programme, to add area and upgrade existing property at the same time,” the Minister said.
The School Property Guide Deficiencies Programme has provided funding to approximately 500 schools to date, demonstrating the Labour-led government’s commitment to ensuring all schools have the appropriate amount of administrative, library or multi-purpose space.
Since 1999, the overall level of space deficiencies in schools has decreased from $400 million to $93 million.
“While there are still some schools which don’t have enough building space, the $22 million allocated this year will address many of the larger deficiencies,” said Chris Carter.
A ranking system is applied to ensure that schools with the greatest need have their deficiencies addressed first, regardless of school type. Schools are prioritised for the funding on a set of criteria from the School Property Guide and the number of schools on the programme is limited each year by the funding available.
In the past, schools have used money from the Property Guide Deficiencies programme on administration upgrades, providing new halls, and altering classrooms. The funding is separate to that provided to schools for extra classrooms and gyms needed because of roll-growth.

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