A Children’s Day for New Zealand

Published: Wed 8 Aug 2007 12:59 AM
Gordon Copeland Press Release
For Immediate Release
Wednesday, 8th August 2007
A Children’s Day for New Zealand
Independent MP Gordon Copeland stated today that he has received a suggestion that New Zealand should have an annual Children’s Day with a strong emphasis on child protection.
“I feel this idea should be progressed,” said Mr Copeland.
“After all we have a Mother’s Day and a Father’s Day each year, so why not a Children’s Day?”
“The suggestion I have received is that it would not be a national holiday, just a focus day and perhaps on the 1st Sunday in August each year so that it becomes linked to the death of dear little Nia Glassie.”
“I recommend that the Children’s Commissioner, the Families Commission and the Government grab hold of this idea and progress it so that we direct our thoughts on this special day, at least once a year, to the ongoing need to protect our precious children.”

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