Labour looks for taxpayer-funded bailout

Published: Thu 5 Apr 2007 10:32 AM
Bill English MP
National Party Deputy Leader
5 April 2007
Labour looks for taxpayer-funded bailout
National Party Deputy Leader Bill English says Labour should be upfront about its plans to dig deeper into taxpayer pockets to fund its next election campaign.
"Make no mistake, Labour is broke after being forced to accept it illegally plundered $800,000 from the taxpayer purse in 2005. Now they're looking for ways to get the taxpayer to fund their next campaign.
"The public will be deeply cynical about any law written by Labour and passed by a slim majority, with the purpose of helping Helen Clark pay her bills."
Mr English says National has not been consulted about the electoral law reform, and Michael Cullen has already signalled that he has no intention of doing so.
"Significant changes to our electoral system should have broad political support. Labour is treating the public with contempt by refusing to speak with all parties in Parliament on an equal basis.
"National is keen to see the rules changed to make sure taxpayers' money can't be abused and to ensure a fair regime for the many New Zealanders who do want to participate in the democratic process."
Mr English says those calling for New Zealand to follow the Canadian and British models need to do their homework.
"Both Canada and Britain have suffered major scandals over election fundraising."
British Labour fundraisers have been arrested for large scale loans used to get around the rules, as well as the cash for peerages scandal, and in Canada the last Liberal Government was subject to a large scale investigation into laundering government money into party funds through advertising contracts.
"The National Party supports changes that have broad support among the parties, and that encourage participation in the democratic process," says Mr English.

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