Poster appals Police Minister

Published: Tue 6 Mar 2007 11:26 AM
Poster appals Police Minister
A poster that suggests a career in New Zealand Police is a way to hear "great rape stories" is an appalling slur on thousands of "good and honest" New Zealanders who police New Zealand with integrity and respect every day, says Police Minister Annette King.
Ms King says she was disturbed to be told of an "ugly and vicious" poster that appeared in at least one public place (Wellington Railway Station) today.
"I know many people have been greatly and genuinely upset by revelations surrounding recent trials for rape and other sexual offences, but the people who designed this poster completely ignore one obvious fact ---- that is, that the people who brought prosecutions against the men accused of the offences were the police.
"I am not prepared to comment on individual circumstances regarding the trials, because they are now the subject of employment matters, but the people who have prepared this poster might like to consider that the women and men of New Zealand rely on police staff to handle such issues with sensitivity and care.
"I'm asking the people who put up this poster to think about the huge majority of decent police staff whom they are damaging and hurting by their ill-considered actions."

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