National launches ‘axe carbon tax’ campaign

Published: Thu 1 Dec 2005 10:58 AM
Don Brash MP
National Party Leader
1 December 2005
National launches ‘axe carbon tax’ campaign
National Leader Don Brash today launched a campaign to defeat Labour’s carbon tax that would see all New Zealanders pay 6c more per litre of petrol, 6% more for electricity, 7% more for gas, 7c more per litre of diesel, 1.3% more for groceries and 1.4% more for public transport.
”New Zealand families should not have to pay this latest tax grab from Labour,” says Dr Brash.
“The carbon tax will increase the cost of living, undermine the competitiveness of business and achieve nothing for the environment.
“Labour has tried to disguise the carbon tax as environmentally friendly when it is just another excuse for Dr Cullen to get his sticky fingers into the pockets of hardworking New Zealanders.
“New Zealand is the only country in the world to impose a carbon tax, despite our emissions amounting to just 0.4% of the global total. There is no evidence to suggest the carbon tax will reduce emissions.
“National’s campaign is about ensuring the carbon tax suffers the same fate as Labour’s infamous fart tax.
“National has strong allies in its opposition to this tax in organisations like Greypower, Business New Zealand, Treasury and Federated Farmers. We will also be holding New Zealand First and United Future to their election promises to oppose the tax.”
Dr Brash launched the campaign with Finance spokesman John Key and Energy spokesman Nick Smith in Wellington today.
The campaign involves thousands of postcards being distributed to households, a petition available at petrol stations and a series of regional and industry visits by National MPs. More information can be found on the campaign’s website –

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