Brash Vows Focus on Policies for New Zealand

Published: Fri 22 Jul 2005 10:28 AM
Don Brash MP
National Party Leader
22 July 2005
Brash Vows Focus on Policies for New Zealand
National Party Leader Don Brash is promising to continue his focus on the issues affecting New Zealanders, and not be diverted by ongoing attacks from Labour Party Cabinet Ministers.
Dr Brash describes this week's personal attacks from Labour as "the most sustained, misguided and dishonest assault on a senior political figure for many years."
"My response to Labour's baseless spin will be to release more policy on the issues affecting the lives of mainstream New Zealanders.
"This Sunday, Bill English will release our core Tertiary Education policy. On Monday, Nick Smith and I will release details of our Resource Management policy. Next Wednesday, we will outline our policy for Local Government.
"These come hard on the heels of the Early Childcare policy I released two weeks ago, our Veterans policy released last week, and yesterday's Student Loans policy announcement.
"I invite New Zealanders to decide which Party is focussed on issues that will give them, and their families, a better future, and which parties are looking to conduct a shameful brawl in the gutter.
"I entered politics because I believe New Zealand needs to do better if we seriously expect our children, and our grandchildren, to build their futures here.
"The Clark Government can conduct this election in the gutter if that is all they have to offer New Zealanders.
"I intend to outline, debate and vigorously promote policies that will deliver a better future for our country.
"And none of the desperate antics and misinformation I have seen from the Labour Party this week is going to steer me off that course," says Dr Brash.

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