Labour Harming Our Economy

Published: Wed 22 Sep 2004 08:23 AM
Labour Harming Our Economy
ACT New Zealand Deputy Leader and Immigration Spokesman Dr Muriel Newman today accused the Labour Government's mis-management of the key immigration portfolio as being responsible for effectively halving New Zealand's net migration numbers.
"Immigration statistics released today have revealed that there has been a drop of 21,000 in net migration numbers from last year," Dr Newman said
"This will have a severe impact on our economy - as already shown with last week's media reports that house prices have stopped growing and are expected to slide - and can be expected to affect the property market to name but one.
"Labour's knee-jerk reaction to political pressure over the number of immigrants settling in New Zealand is inconsistent with sound economic management. By taking a stop-start approach, rather than a considered and consistent one, the Government has made a move that will have huge ramifications on New Zealand's economy," Dr Newman said.

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