Public Address 26/11/03 - Games, Cars And Girls

Published: Wed 26 Nov 2003 12:34 AM
PUBLIC ADDRESS 26/11/03 - Games, cars and girls
Beautiful game | Nov 26, 2003 12:16
David Williams' Dateline London
I expected to have a few run-ins with Englishmen the day after the World Cup Final. However I was surprised when it happened at one of the homes of English culture - the Royal Albert Hall in the snooty Kensington suburb of London...,
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Cars and girls | Nov 26, 2003 11:31
Now playing in the Muse Lounge
Okay, I'll bite: what's the deal with the new Liz Phair? The new video is on high rotate and the da-de-da verse has stuck in my head even if the chorus sinks like a stone...,
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