Government's Trade Strategy Becomes Clear

Published: Tue 21 Oct 2003 09:48 PM
One Night In Bangkok And Government Trade Strategy Becomes Clear
“The Prime Minister’s one night in Bangkok has given a giant boost to New Zealand’s Asian trade,” said New Zealand First leader Rt Hon Winston Peters.
“The Prime Minister has succeeded where her Trade Minister has failed after his 100 days overseas at the taxpayers’ expense since the 2002 election. And the simplicity of the strategy is stunning.
“Not for this Government any attempt to drive down the exchange rate to give our exporters a hand. Not for them an export plan or tax incentives. No, this innovative Government has taken the opportunities provided by the world’s oldest profession, and attended to both ends of the prostitution industry, “ said Mr Peters.
“Its recent liberalisation of prostitution laws has undoubtedly increased demand for this service, and now Ms Clark has announced a trade agreement with Thailand which is aimed to increase trade and Thai wages. All this will do is increase the supply of low paid sex workers entering New Zealand.
“The worrying thing is that the Labour spin machine has apparently convinced commentators, and fellow travelers, that this is a momentous occasion and that this bilateral trade agreement is the best thing since the 1999 election. Perhaps they are right,” said Mr Peters.

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