Anderton, Tanczos Debate Tuesday 7.30 Pm Chch

Published: Mon 20 Oct 2003 02:42 PM
MEDIA ADVISORY: Jim Anderton to outline case for extending the moratorium on cannabis in debate with Green MP on Tuesday
WHEN? Tuesday 21 October at 7.30 pm
WHERE? St Peters Parish Centre, 11 Fisher Avenue, Beckenham, Christchurch
Progressive Party leader, Jim Anderton, will outline the rationale behind his party's strong view that there be no decriminalisation or legalisation of cannabis (i.e. no lifting of the legal moratorium) until it is proven safe in a public debate on Tuesday with the Green Party's pro-cannabis liberalization campaigner, Mr Nandor Tanczos.
The Progressive Party and the Greens are the two parties that will be campaigning openly at the next election to either join a Labour-led coalition government or have influence on a Labour-led government.
Jim Anderton will outline how the Progressives' opposition to a soft drugs policy stance isn't based on some abstract, moral principle.
The party's stance is based instead on a practical concern over the effects on teenagers and even young children from abusing alcohol, P, cannabis and tobacco. They are among the most vulnerable in our society and the Progressive Party wants to send a strong message to young people that abusing drugs isn't OK.
The Progressive Party believes that teenagers deserve the respect of Parliamentarians ? enough respect to be told firmly what they may not want to hear: namely, that if you smoke dope, if you abuse alcohol, what you may find when you are twenty and ready to join the productive workforce is that employers may not want you because you haven't got the right work habits, life skills and attitudes.
Jim Anderton chairs the Ministerial Committee tackling drug and alcohol abuse. He is also Minister for Economic, Industry & Regional Development.

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