Clutching At Straws, Peter?

Published: Tue 7 Oct 2003 05:23 PM
Clutching At Straws, Peter?
Tuesday 7 Oct 2003 Heather Roy Press Releases -- Other
ACT New Zealand Families Spokesman Heather Roy today said she was not surprised at United Future Leader Peter Dunne's refusal to include ACT in his plans for a United Future/Labour/National/New Zealand First `Brady Bunch' - but doubted NZ First and National would discard their commonsense and join the family.
"Peter `Dad of the nation' Dunne hopes that he and Helen `Mum' Clark will be joined by `Uncle' National and `Aunty' NZ First. What, no room for `cousin' ACT?" Mrs Roy said.
"Mr Dunne's comment, that ACT has a `sole family policy', shows he is floundering and clutching at straws - as evidenced by his attack on National for courting the family vote last week. Mr Dunne knows ACT and National have always advocated family-friendly policies.
"The fact is that ACT has had a Families Spokesman since July 2002. Our policies - particularly lower taxes, education, health and welfare - would all benefit families far more than United Future's empty talk of `commonsense' and the talkfest Family Commission.
"In fact, Mr Dunne is well aware of ACT's approach to helping New Zealand families, and agreed with us during his election campaign. Perhaps the reason he cannot see our other family-friendly policies is that he has been blinded by the $28 million Family Commission.
"Mr Dunne knows that lower taxes are in New Zealand families' best interests, but is still more than happy to have those same families fund his Family Commission - which provides advocacy, research and policy input and analysis when it should be addressing welfare reform, health and education.
"Mr Dunne is afraid to have ACT contribute to the family debate. He knows that, as a mother of five, I will show him up. Lowering taxes will go much further toward helping families than all Mr Dunne's talk of commonsense and a Commission that tells them what to do," Mrs Roy said.
For more information visit ACT online at or contact the ACT Parliamentary Office at

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