Unbundling the loop will spur internet economy

Published: Thu 18 Sep 2003 05:05 PM
Unbundling the loop will spur internet economy
Green MP and Telecommunications spokesperson Sue Kedgley is delighted that the Commerce Commission is recommending the unbundling of the local loop so that competitors will be able to use parts of its network for competitive retail services.
"Removing Telecom's monopoly over the local copper wire network will stimulate the roll out of broadband services in New Zealand," Ms Kedgley said. "It will mean that farmers and others in remote locations will at last have a decent internet service.
"The OECD has identified infrastructure competition in areas such as the local copper wire network as the best way of developing high-speed, competitively priced broadband services, which are the key to the development of an internet economy.
"Virtually all developed countries have already moved to unbundle their local loop," said Ms Kedgley. "The Green Party has campaigned for many years to end Telecom's monopoly on the local copper wire network and to allow the emergence of innovative, cheap, high-speed telecommunications services for both rural and urban customers."

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