Tvnz Split Could Lead To Asset Sale

Published: Thu 27 Feb 2003 04:37 PM
Tvnz Split Could Lead To Asset Sale
New Zealand First is concerned that late changes to the TVNZ legislation could lead to the future sale of the transmission arm of the state-owned communications organisation.
Leader Rt Hon Winston Peters said today that the transmission arm was going to be a Crown Entity within the TVNZ group but is now being reborn as a stand-alone State Owned Enterprise.
“This means there is a real risk that it could be sold off at some future date and a key communications structure would be lost.
“It would also mean that a future owner, particularly one from overseas, could control New Zealand’s transmission system and reap huge profits - as has happened to Telecom and the railways system.”
Mr Peters said he welcomed the potential for increased accountability at TVNZ but said the Government risked losing another state asset because of the poorly thought out structure of the new organisation.

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