Greens To Welcome Hikoi

Published: Mon 5 Aug 2002 09:11 AM
5 August 2002
Media advisory
Greens To Welcome Hikoi
Green co-leader Rod Donald and Wellington MP Sue Kedgley will today greet the Ngai Tamanuhiri hikoi protesting the proposed sale of Young Nick's Head when it arrives at parliament at 1pm.
Mr Donald said he had hoped to reciprocate the hospitality extended to him when he visited Young Nicks Head by hosting a reception in Parliament's Banquet Hall, but the Speaker had declined his request.
Mr Donald said already over one million hectares of New Zealand's coastline and farmland, or over six per cent of New Zealand's commercial and productive land, was owned by foreign corporations and non-resident foreigners.
"Green policy is to stop all sales of New Zealand land to overseas buyers who do not live here," said Mr Donald.
"I admire Ngai Tamanuhiri for the strength of their commitment to keep Young Nicks Head in New Zealand ownership for the benefit of all New Zealanders."

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