Marie Hasler Selected For New Waitakere Seat

Published: Wed 13 Mar 2002 09:35 AM
12 March 2002
West Auckland MP Marie Hasler has been confirmed as the National Party's candidate for the Waitakere electorate in this year's general election.
Formerly Minister of Culture and Heritage and currently National's spokesperson for Immigration and Food Safety, Ms Hasler was selected unopposed to contest what will be a new configuration out of the former Titirangi, Te Atatu and Waitakere electorates.
Ms Hasler has lived in Waitakere City all her adult life and represented the area for the whole of her time in Parliament. She looks forward to continuing to work for West Auckland for which she has a "longstanding emotional attachment".
She sees Labour's selection of "yet another union representative" to contest Waitakere as a worrying and curious reversion to a union-dominated, centrally managed type of economy that is incommensurate with a modern and prosperous society.

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