Questions Of The Day - Thursday, 8 November

Published: Thu 8 Nov 2001 12:55 AM
Thursday, 8 November 2001
Questions to Ministers
1. Hon TONY RYALL to the Minister of Corrections: On what occasions and for what purposes did the Associate Minister of Corrections visit Paremoremo maximum security prison to meet with groups of inmates?
2. IAN EWEN-STREET to the Minister for Biosecurity: How has the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry delineated the area chosen for the aerial application of pesticide over west Auckland in order to control the painted apple moth and what new information is now available that could enable the area to be more accurately defined?
3. Hon TONY RYALL to the Minister of Corrections: What steps has he taken to action the Prime Minister's statement, about representations for prisoners, that "What we will be doing now is ensuring that Mrs Turia's staff have a clearer understanding of what is appropriate to say in letters and what isn't."?
4. DIANNE YATES to the Minister for Accident Insurance: What advice has she received on the compliance costs associated with the separate collection by the Inland Revenue Department of the ACC residual claims levy and what action is being taken to address these costs?
5. Dr MURIEL NEWMAN to the Associate Minister of Education (Tertiary Education): In light of his early rejection of some of the recommendations of the Tertiary Education Advisory Commission's final report, will he reject recommendations 63 and 70 that recommend that financial penalties be imposed upon providers that cannot demonstrate they are meeting the needs of their Maori and Pacific learners; if not, why not?
6. HARRY DUYNHOVEN to the Minister of Commerce: What is the Government doing to help improve confidence in New Zealand's securities markets?
7. Hon TONY RYALL to the Minister of Corrections: Does he stand by his answer yesterday that "The department has treated [the Associate Minister of Corrections'] concerns no differently than any other member of Parliament."; if so, why?
8. KEVIN CAMPBELL to the Minister of Customs: What subsidies are provided by Customs for imported goods clearance services and does he believe the existing levels of subsidy are appropriate?
9. Hon GEORGINA TE HEUHEU to the Prime Minister: Whom was she comparing herself with when she said "I speak from the experience of having a very high degree of education and having a very clear idea about what to say in representations, not everyone is so qualified."?
10. Hon BRIAN DONNELLY to the Minister of State Services: Has he received any reports indicating the people of New Zealand consider the appointments, salaries and conditions enjoyed by public sector chief executives are appropriate and represent value for money; if so, what do those reports say?
11. Dr WAYNE MAPP to the Minister of Police: Does he agree with the police officers who described Matthew Solomon Thompson, the prisoner the Associate Minister of Corrections tried to have transferred out of Paremoremo, as a "bad, bad criminal, shocking criminal", and "extremely" dangerous?
12. STEVE CHADWICK to the Minister for Disability Issues: What is the Government doing to improve mainstream employment opportunities for people with disabilities?

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