Auckland Greens Picket Mobil

Published: Wed 11 Jul 2001 01:44 PM
Auckland Green MP Nandor Tanczos and the Auckland Green Party will join in the International Day of Action Against Mobil by picketing outside the Mobil service station on the corner of K Road and Ponsonby Road on Thursday, July 12, from 8 am to 9 am.
"This picket is to protest Mobil's stand against reducing greenhouse gas emissions and its refusal to cut sulphur levels in its diesel fuel in Auckland. This action is one part of a concerted international and national campaign," said Mr Tanczos.
The world's leading climate scientists have identified greenhouse gas emissions as a major cause of human induced global warming. Mobil has run a PR campaign to undermine the Kyoto Protocol. The Kyoto Protocol seeks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and establish a structure for monitoring them.
Mobil is the only major oil company blocking attempts to reduce the levels of sulphur in Auckland diesel. Sulphur is a major pollutant in Auckland's air. Auckland's air regularly breaches World Health Organisation standards for pollutants.
"Global warming is a major concern to millions of people all over the world because it threatens the well-being of the very planet on which we depend for life. It is of particular concern to Pacific nations threatened by sea level rise. And the people of Auckland need clean air to breathe", Mr Tanczos said.

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