The Dominion

Published: Mon 22 Nov 1999 11:34 AM
Muddled MMP Understanding - Toast Martinbourough - Helen Clark - Millennium - Child Neglect - Canterbury Plane Crash - Inside Political Headlines - Editorial on Greens
MUDDLED MMP UNDERSTANDING - POLL: The Dominion leads today with a poll which shows that only 44% of 750 people polled in a UMR insight poll understand that the Party Vote is the vote that forms the government.
TOAST MARTINBOROUGH: The front-page photo shows a French gendarme giving a maiden a ride on the handlebars of his bicycle at Toast Martinborough yesterday.
Also on the front page:
- HELEN CLARK: a report that five days out form the election, a supremely confident Labour leader Helen Clark outlined yesterday the first steps Labour would take in Government;
- MILLENNIUM: a report into the odds of TV broadcasters catching the first rays of sunlight of the new millennium; they are not that good.
- CHILD NEGLECT: a report that nearly half the complaints of abuse and neglect to Child, Youth and Family Services last year were unfounded, and more children were taken away from their parents, the service's statistics show;
- CANTERBURY PLANE CRASH: a report that police and rescue officials were to resume a search off the Canterbury coast near Christchurch at first light today for two people feared dead after a light aircraft ditched in the sea late yesterday afternoon.
Inside Political Headlines
- Column: Great dollops of mongrel aren't helping National;
- Greens cry foul over postcards;
- Maori seats close - poll - Labour just ahead in Waiariki and Ikaroa Rawhiti and just behind in Te Tai Tonga;
- Delamere removal order "cruel, unjust";
Editorial: What Green really means
Alastair Thompson
Scoop Publisher
Alastair Thompson is the co-founder of Scoop. He is of Scottish and Irish extraction and from Wellington, New Zealand. Alastair has 24 years experience in the media, at the Dominion, National Business Review, North & South magazine, Straight Furrow newspaper and online since 1997. He is the winner of several journalism awards for business and investigative work.
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