National Radio 8am Bulletin

Published: Mon 20 Sep 1999 08:12 AM
EAST TIMOR: UN Sec Gen, Horta, NZ Soldiers. OTHER NEWS: Fisheries Commission – Wigram Homicide – Ansett Lockout – Party Lists – Kosovo.
EAST TIMOR – UN SEC GEN: The UN Secretary General is warning militias not to confront the peacekeeping force. Annan warns the militias that the UN peacekeepers are prepared and authorised to fight back.
EAST TIMOR – HORTA: East Timorese independence leader Jose Ramos Horta is skeptical about the prospects of cooperation between the Indonesian military and the peace-keepers.
EAST TIMOR – NZ SOLDIERS: 88 NZ Soldiers fly out from Ohakea at 11am this morning bound for Darwin after weekend leave. NZ is initially sending 400 armed service personnel to East Timor and up to 800 may eventually be deployed.
FISHERIES COMMISSION: Opposition parties are calling on the government not to change the membership of the Waitangi Fisheries Commission so close to the election. RNZ understands a paper will go to cabinet today suggesting most commissioners be replaced.
WIGRAM HOMICIDE: Police are appealing for the public to look out for weapons and clothing which may have been involved in a shooting in Wigram.
ANSETT LOCKOUT: Around 25 Ansett Pilots are looking for jobs elsewhere as the Ansettt lock-out continues. Five pilots have signed the new contract.
PARTY LISTS: The Pressure is on the Alliance and NZ First to announce their election lists now ACT has done so.
KOSOVO: Last minute hitch on demilitarisation of KLA. The KLA and Nato have failed to agree on a Kosovo Corps to replace the KLA. Nato says the Corps is a civil defence organisation the KLA says it is the core of a new national army.
Alastair Thompson
Scoop Publisher
Alastair Thompson is the co-founder of Scoop. He is of Scottish and Irish extraction and from Wellington, New Zealand. Alastair has 24 years experience in the media, at the Dominion, National Business Review, North & South magazine, Straight Furrow newspaper and online since 1997. He is the winner of several journalism awards for business and investigative work.
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