Scoop Ratings: Post US Elections To p 30 Stories

Published: Sat 16 Nov 2002 11:26 AM
Dates: 05/Nov/2002, 06/Nov/2002, 07/Nov/2002, 08/Nov/2002, 09/Nov/2002, 10/Nov/2002, 11/Nov/2002, 12/Nov/2002, 13/Nov/2002, 14/Nov/2002, 15/Nov/2002
1: US Election Vote Fixing Reports Hit The Mainstream
SCOOP EDITOR’S NOTE: Scoop has in the past 48 hours published several real deal media commentaries ( C.D.Sludge , Michael Ruppert , John Kaminski ) pointing to problems with the electronic voting systems used extensively in Tuesday’s mid-term elections ...
2: Wellstone Plane Was Out Of Control – Media Survey
The following is a summary of the facts available at this time via the media, surrounding Senator Paul Wellstone's airplane crash of 10-25-02. Judge for yourself, was this more likely an assassination or an accident?
3: Sludge Report #143 - Think People!!! The Fix Was In
In This Edition: Think People!!! The Fix Was In - Who Now Rules The World
4: Elle Intimates Strips Off With Billboard Campaign
Rush-hour traffic was treated to a striptease in Auckland today as the second of two new Elle Mapcherson Intimates billboards were unveiled by a pair of Kiwifire dancers.
5: UQ Wire: Gore Vidal‘s The Enemy Within
Gore Vidal is America’s most controversial writer and a ferocious, often isolated, critic of the Bush administration. Here, against a backdrop of spreading unease about America’s response to the events of 11 September 2001 and their aftermath, we publish ...
6: The Dirty And Deadly Secrets Of Khamisiyah
In Khamisiyah, southern Iraq, 1991, a man made plague was unleashed. Some of the world’s deadliest chemical and biological warfare agents were housed in Khamisiyah, a sprawling desert bunker complex – and then released into the atmosphere.
7: The Thomas E. White Affair – The Documents
The following are the source documents (emails, charts and spreadsheets from Enron Energy Services) which were used by freelance journalist Jason Leopold for his expose about U.S. Army Secretary Thomas E. White’s direct involvement in crooked accounting ...
8: LOTR Two Towers New Zealand Premiere Date Set
Roadshow Film Distributors is delighted to announce the New Zealand Premiere of THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE TWO TOWERS, will be held on Wednesday 18th December at the Embassy Theatre in Wellington.
9: Wellstone Plane Crash Media Survey - Updated
A summary of the facts available at this time, surrounding Senator Wellstone's airplane crash of 10-25-02. (Updated 11-01-02 – note this posting is an update of… Wellstone Plane Was Out Of Control – Media Survey )
10: 1000s to Expose Double Standard in War onTerror
Thousands to Expose Double Standard in War on Terrorism: Massive Convergence at Ft. Benning, Georgia, November 15-17 to Close the School of the Americas background footage available in DV format at
11: Scoop Archive: UQ Wire: Pentagon Plan to Provoke Terrorist Attack
This column stands foursquare with the Honorable Donald H. Rumsfeld, U.S. Secretary of Defense, when he warns that there will be more terrorist attacks against the American people and civilization at large.
12: Clampdown On Illegal Street Racing
More streets are to be restricted to non-residential traffic on weekends and public holidays in order to tackle the scourge of illegal street racing in Manukau. This will include a large stretch of Te Irirangi Drive between Dawson Road in Otara and ...
13: Voting Machine Company Demands Removal Of Articles
ES, who makes 56% of the voting machines in the United States, has threatened to sue the owner of unless she removes articles about voting machines from her web site.
14: US Election 2002: Senate Races - A Runner Stumbles
The sudden departure of Robert "The Torch" Torricelli from the New Jersey Senate race evokes no end of sports metaphors. He fumbled. He choked. He dropped the baton. He hit the wall. The Torch is passed. It looks bad for the Dem team.
15: Turning Over the ACT Party Credentials
"A tongue with two forks," is how Libertarianz leader Rusell Watkins descibe’s Richard Prebble, following The Preb’s weekend speech to the ACT conference in Wellington.
16: UQ Wire: 911 - They Let It Happen On Purpose!
Imagine you wake up from a coma and you learn that 11 months ago, an "Attack on America" destroyed some significant buildings, killed 3,000 people and forced a war against terrorism. You switch on the news and see pictures of Afghanistan, Iraq, Israel, ...
17: CNN Said It So It Must Be True, Or Not?
The shifting sands of online message boards are a notoriously unreliable place to find information. Yet today just such a source has been quoted by CNN for a report that Al Qaeda has claimed responsibility for the Bali bombings on October 12th. Mo ...
18: Republicans Make the US Elections Voting Machines
The story is not about allegations of fraud — it's about an appearance of impropriety that is stunning in its magnitude. Unfettered by any disclosure regulations about ownership or political affiliations, just a few companies create and control almost ...
19: Scoop Images: Bush Looks For The Way Forward
The following image has been doing the rounds on the Internet over the weekend. Is it for real, or another example of photoshop altered reality? The general consensus at this early stage in the post-mortem appears to be that it is indeed a real image. ...
20: UQ Wire: Pentagon Plan to Provoke Terrorist Attack
This column stands foursquare with the Honorable Donald H. Rumsfeld, U.S. Secretary of Defense, when he warns that there will be more terrorist attacks against the American people and civilization at large.
21: Scoop Feedback: Caption Contest For Dubya Photo
The folks over at have been having a whole lot of fun coming up with captions for the picture of George W. Bush featured on Scoop yesterday.
22: Scoop Cartoon: The GOP Takes Congress & Senate
Cartoon by John Chuckman
23: Maori Cyberterrorism Vs LEGO Leads To Reprisals
New Zealand website has been threatened with hacker attacks from a group calling itself the Army of Free Speech following a denial of service hacker attack earlier this week on a website run by a subsidiary of LEGO by an anonymous ...
24: Guest Opinion: Why US Election Votes Won't Matter
So, you're going to cast your vote to prove that you live in a democracy, are you? Guess again, Chuck. Your vote does not matter. It might not even be counted, assuming you're allowed to vote to begin with
25: Top 10 gripes of NZ's professional cricket players
Top 10 gripes of New Zealand's professional cricket players
26: US Elections 2002: America Lost
In a tragedy for America and the world, the Republican Party has taken control of both houses of the U.S. Congress. This means George W. Bush's disastrous agenda will be able to go forward unchecked.
27: Controlling NATO: The Real Agenda At Prague
European diplomacy has clearly often been the nucleus of destruction. Is it now the only buffer left between peace-comparative and Manifest Destiny – the dream of Fortress USA to express its institutions around the world? The NATO Summit will be a decider.
28: Michael Ruppert On the 2002 Midterm Elections
There are a multitude of dangling questions about Tuesday's election results. Widespread anecdotal accounts of voting irregularities, disenfranchised voters and absolutely accurate and, in many cases, understated criticisms of abysmal leadership from Tom ...
29: Images: Aliens Take Over Wellington City Streets
Aliens, acrobats and assorted freaks took control of a central Wellington street today, much to the amusement and bewilderment of bystanders caught up in the invasion.
30: Images: National MPs Visit Australia's Parliament
The following photo sequence shows seven members of a New Zealand National Party contingent visiting the Australian Parliament. Lockwood Smith (holding his nose and smiling) appears to be having a nice time…
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