Nurses' strike: 'Major incident footing' likely for DHB

Published: Tue 26 Jun 2018 01:27 PM
Anusha Bradley, Hawke's Bay Reporter
Hawke's Bay DHB may have to activate its emergency plan if a nurses' strike goes ahead while it deals with an increasing number of winter illnesses and influenza cases, it says.
Hawke's Bay Fallen Soldiers' Memorial Hospital, Hastings. Photo: RNZ / Peter Fowler
"The health system is likely to come under greater strain through the winter as the expected increase in acute activity occurs, with the added complexity of influenza and the threat of a nurses' strike," chief executive Kevin Snee said in a report ahead of the board's meeting on Wednesday.
"We are likely to be on a major incident footing throughout July and August as a minimum.
"However, we have undertaken considerable planning to put ourselves in a good state of readiness," he said.
It came as the hospital remained under financial pressure, with the DHB now forecasting a $3.1 million deficit for the financial year ending 30 June.
It had previously been expected to make a $1.5m surplus.
It said the deficit was because it had not been able to make the savings it had hoped for, and spent more on outsourcing elective surgery, clinical supplies, and nursing staff.
It had made $5.9m in efficiency savings against a target of $9.1m for the financial year.
Mr Snee was not available for an interview today.
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