Kiwis Have Their Say On Ultra Fast Broadband - 2

Published: Fri 19 Mar 2010 05:04 PM
The Vector Fibre Debate
Kiwis Have Their Say On Ultra Fast Broadband - Part 2
Why New Zealanders want an ultra-fast broadband network.
Every week, we will bring you a selection of comments from Vector’s fibre to the door website.
Here’s what Kiwi’s have had to say this week in support of Vector’s effort to bring fibre to the door of Aucklanders ...
"Maximum download speeds to make the country more efficient."
LH - Soplan Manager
"Faster internet"
AC - IT Systems Engineer
"It's important for our business as overseas client need to gain access to our servers"
AB - Managing Director
"Because we are well behind the rest of the world and we need fast Internet to compete!"
"Good time to upgrade all cables and install 'service pits' in one hit and will improve internet speeds and the environment at the same time. Don't forget a plug for our electric cars."
"Who wouldn't? NZ has some of the slowest and most expensive broadband in the world."
"I want a better broadband service than is presently available."
AA - Administrator/web designer
"Faster internet access"
TM - Nurse
"This sounds like a very good idea, especially having very fast broadband."
"So that my children can have the best internet connection out there as well as keeping NZ a clean place."
MN - Retried
"Nothing else makes sense"
MM - Retired
"To be able to have this type of super broadband connection available for not just businesses but a select few is awesome. I use the internet daily. From checking emails, shopping online, online gaming, and keeping in touch with family from home and abroad. If fastest broadband means fibre to the door, I’m all for it!"
"I feel that it is a great opportunity to grow our economy in real terms. Instead of relying on consumption and property fuelled booms and busts. As while people like me make a lot of money out of this cycle, as property is my profession. The rest of the economy is left choked of funds as the banks tend to favour property and when it all comes down everyone suffers. However with fibre to the door it will give New Zealand an opportunity to have an export lead recovery. A recovery where the whole pie grows; from back office out sourcing of financial services (as done in Ireland), to dot com start ups. Then with this real economic growth property prices will be blustered, but currently we are putting the carriage before the horse."
Property Professional
"Cloud Computing is the future and it is happening. Fibre to the door is the cornerstone to allow NZ keep pace with the rest of world. This is not a matter of "Yes or No" but how soon this can be done. Come on Kiwi. Wake up and take actions before too late."
"Because fibre IS the future, period."
"Living 14k's from Wanganui and mobile broadband doesn't work, dial up is frustrating and slow often you give up trying and can't get information you need."
KVDW - Retail Manager
"Faster broadband for home and business. We operate an Australian company, we need a faster system."
"I think that the people of New Zealand deserve the fastest possible connection. If we do not have that we will fall behind the rest of the world."
"I want better internet and a better economic future for NZ"
SM - ICT Services Provider
"Fibre has been is use in the telecoms and computing environments for decades. It's fast, reliable (and cheap now). It's logical progression to extend fibre out of the data centre and into the home."
ML - IT Manager
"Better speed"
MA - Civil servant
"We need a faster broadband network!"
MV - National Sales Manager - Logistics
"Internet is just far to slow in New Zealand. This is what we need to do if we want to stay competitive in the market place"
TG - Property Services
About The Vector Fibre Debate
The Government plans to give New Zealand a complete fibre to the door ultra-fast broadband network. Vector thinks that’s a great idea and is hoping to help them do it and also thinks its something well worth discussing. To have your say in The Vector Fibre Debate see…

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