Full Coverage: Post-Election NZ 2008

Published: Tue 11 Nov 2008 04:44 PM

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Gordon Campbell: The New Breed Of Conservatives
The premise of Labour’s election campaign was that John Key was either (a) a vacuum waiting to be filled by political expedience or (b) a secret hardliner masking his real intentions until he could gain power…Whatever, voters slept on through the alarm. More >>

Coalition Formations: Maori Party Listen To Everyone Except Labour
“From Waimanoni Marae at Awanui in the Far North through to Invercargill in the deep South, we have been united in our resolve that everyone needs to air their views about any decisions we make regarding the role of the Maori Party in the 2008-11 Parliament,” said Maori Party co-leader Tariana Turia. More >>
ALSO:Horomia - Maori Party hui shutting out Maori peopleScoop Audio - Key On Economy & Maori Party TalksTV3 Video - Goff warns Maori Party it will receive backlashTV3 Video - Hui feedback positive on Maori Party plan to back National

Economy: Cullen Gets In One Last Bit Of Finance-Ministering
Outgoing Finance Minister Michael Cullen has released a November 7 report by the Treasury updating the department's outlook on the economy and on the Crown accounts. More >>
ALSO:National - Labour reminded about caretaker conventionLindsay Mitchell - Treasury Forecasts Bode Ill For Welfare Bill

Fastest Govt In The West: Maori Party Sends Out Posse To Capture Mandate
The Maori Party MPs are already on the road again, for their nationwide consultation tour following Election night. Members of the Maori Party will be consulted about the possibilities emerging for a relationship with the National Government. More >>
ALSO:Labour - Maori Party hui shutting out Maori peopleMaori Party - Consultation hui going well – Maori PartyAlastair Thompson - Maori Party Use Back Channel For NegotiationsScoop Audio - Key On Economy & Maori Party TalksGreens - Jobs and housing top priority for MaoriTV3 - National drafts deal with Maori PartyTV3 - Maori-National deal raises a few eyebrowsTV3 Video - Maori Party close to signing historic deal with National
Scoop Maori: Maori Party Use Back Channel For Negotiations
This afternoon the Maori Party arrived late for a meeting with John Key. The Maori party's representatives arrived via a back entrance to the National Party's offices at around 2pm and left later than expected at 3:10pm oncev again exciting through ... More >>
ALSO:TV3 Video - Maori Party and National set to make historic dealTV3 Video - 'Constructive' talks between Maori Party and National

Changing Times: Gordon Campbell on the new Labour leadership
Not unexpectedly, Phil Goff’s first press conference as Labour leader did include a mea culpa of sorts for the “disconnect’ that had occurred in Labour’s relations with the New Zealand public - although the who, how and why of this inexplicable fault in the wiring was not fleshed out with any specifics... More >>
Labour Party - Labour elects Phil Goff as new leaderACT - ACT Congratulates Labour LeadershipLibertarianz - Labour Promotes Rejected MPsLibertarianz Party - Libz Gag After Goff GaffeFamily First - Comments Welcomed from Goff on EFATV3 Video - Phil Goff's leading role comes after 27 years in ParliamentTV3 Video - Phil Goff named new Labour leaderTV3 Video - Annette King hits back at Labour's criticsTV3 Video - Judith Tizard ships out of her parliament officeTV3 Video - Full interview with Judith Tizard on leaving parliament
Multimedia: Goff Trades In Old Job To Defend Labour

Video on on demand of today's post caucus press conference in the Beehive Theatrette, outgoing Trade and Defence Minister Phil Goff has been appointed leader of the Labour Party. In the Q he discusses a wide range of subjects including economic policy, the Maori Party, getting on with the Greens and John Key's attendance at APEC. More >>

Coalition Forming: Maori Party Eyes Smiling In 2008
Audio on demand of National Leader John Key and Maori Party Co-Leaders Tariana Turia and Pita Sharples following their coalition forming talks this morning. The trio appeared to be close to agreement and will meet again later this week, soon. Appointment of a Maori Party member as a Minister outside of Cabinet appears likely. More >> And Scoop Flashback - No Smiles In 2005
More Govt. Formation Audio + Images: John Key & Peter Dunne Presser 10/11, Scoop Images: Hugs & Applause As National Meets

Audio: Rodney Talks Turkey Post Key Meeting
This afternoon National cemented a deal with Act that will make certain New Zealand has a centre right Government. National and Act's respective leader's John Key and Rodney Hide were fairly tight-lipped after their meeting this afternoon. It looks likely Rodney Hide will have a position similar to Winston Peter's as a minister outside cabinet. Rodney Hide also told the media that he would not be bringing down a National Government. More >>
ALSO:Scoop Full Coverage - NZ Election Night 2008Gordon Campbell - Gordon Campbell's Election Wrap Up + PredictionsPaul G. Buchanan - Unsynchronised Elections and NZ – US RelationsChief Electoral Office - Preliminary Results For The 2008 General ElectionElection Results 2008: Electorate Status TableEarlier - National's 100-day action plan
Reaction:Labour - Dr Cullen standing down as Labour Deputy LeaderLawFuel - Chris Finlayson: The Next Attorney General?NORML - Press Conference at Parliament - "No Dunne Deals"Alliance Party - Alliance Party pledges fight for public interestAgenda - Entrenchment Not Bottom Line For Maori - Change isn't always a bad thingCampaign to Save MMP - The Campaign to Save MMPFederated Farmers - Election brings farmers certaintyBusiness Roundtable - Business Roundtable Congratulates John KeyMuffin Break - Muffin Break Election Bean Poll Does It AgainPlaycentre - Playcentre congratulates National on their winManufacturers and Exporters - NZ votes for change – start with the economyNZ Chambers of Commerce - NZCCI Congratulates the New GovernmentTV3 Video - Key to start work on forming new government todayTV3 Video - One-On-One with John Key: Part OneTV3 Video - One-On-One with John Key: Part TwoTV3 Video - One-On-One with John Key: Part ThreeTV3 Video - Economists discuss economic impact of new governmentTV3 Video - Winston Peters says it's not over yet for NZ FirstTV3 Video - Maori Party expected to join National in new governmentTV3 Video - Parliament to undergo shake-up following Key's victoryTV3 Video - Annette King and Darren Hughes discuss the future of LabourTV3 Video - Full news conference with John Key as he arrived at Parliament
SEE ALSO... Full Coverage: NZ Election Night 2008
Scoop Full Coverage
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The Pervasiveness Of Inward Deadness Is Not The Result Of “the Deadening Effect Of The Super-rich”
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Removing An Incapacitated Leader
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On A Textbook Case Of Spending Waste By The Luxon Government
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Whose Values Do You Mean, Winston And Judith?
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It’s Bigger Than NATO And It’s Heading Our Way
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Dear West: Your ‘Age Of Monsters’ Has Begun
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