Daily Voting News For November 14, 2007

Published: Mon 19 Nov 2007 12:54 AM
Daily Voting News For November 14, 2007
Guest Blogged by John Gideon of
An editorial in today’s Daytona Beach News-Journal begins: “For votes to count, they must be counted, and accurately. Americans expect tallies to be quick, as well.
“It doesn't always work that way. Ongoing problems with electronic vote-counting machines have eroded voter confidence and raised anxiety about the potential for tampering. In an era when voter-participation levels are already low, it's a problem local, state and federal leaders should confront.
“That effort should start with coordinated, national information-sharing. The U.S. Election Assistance Commission, created in 2004, was charged with creating a central clearinghouse detailing glitches, hardware problems and tampering attempts. That database has yet to be created. So when supervisors in Illinois or California -- or Volusia or Flagler counties -- want to know about potential problems with a system, their only recourse is to turn to the Internet. Grass-roots voting-accuracy advocates, to their credit, are operating informational Web sites, but elections officials should have an objective source to turn to -- especially since advocacy groups might not always have access to insider information about how an error occurred.”...
NAtional: Editorial - Count the ways to restore confidence in elections LINK
National: Reactions Counted at the Sold Out 'Uncounted' Premiere LINK
National: Senate Bill Would Outlaw "Caging" as Voter Suppression Tactic LINK
National: By the Numbers: Photo ID Poll Restrictions Disenfranchise Minority & Elderly (read: Democratic) Voters LINK
National: New Study Examines Impact of Voter ID Laws LINK
Colorado: Mesa County - 'Too many cooks' in debate over how to obey vote-machine edict LINK
Connecticut: Recount reaffirms GOP majority, but process criticized LINK
Indiana: Grant County – Opinion - All voting machines should be the same LINK
Kentucky: Logan County - New voting method is way of the future LINK
Montana: Cascade County - Officials look to mend vote-counting process LINK
New Jersey: Atlantic County - Freeholder panel to investigate election night vote-count glitch LINK
New Jersey: Camden County - Camden County finds missed votes The court-ordered count did not change the outcome of any race. LINK
New Jersey: Camden County - Camco retrieves uncounted votes; results unchanged LINK
Ohio: Lawrence County - Company says human error cause of mixup LINK
Ohio: Putnam County - State oversight set for elections in Putnam County LINK
Texas: Harris County - Election fixes stir worries on ballot security Some fearful computer codes are vulnerable LINK
Virginia: Scott County - Voters Choose New Sheriff, School Board Members LINK
Overseas: US overseas voting hot topic at Madrid Conference LINK
**"Daily Voting News" is meant as a comprehensive listing of reports each day concerning issues related to election and voting news around the country regardless of quality or political slant. Therefore, items listed in "Daily Voting News" may not reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or Scoop.**
John Gideon Co-Director and Information Manager VotersUnite.Org

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