Valerie Morse Calls On Ngati Pakeha To Stand Tall

Published: Fri 16 Nov 2007 01:06 PM
Valerie Morse Calls On "Ngati Pakeha" To Stand Up For Maori Right To Self Determination
By Spike Mountjoy

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Over 800 people marched through central Wellington on Wednesday, angry at police behavior during the so called “terror raids” in October. Many in the Hikoi, which had traveled from Ruatoki near Whakatane, also criticised the recently passed Terrorism Suppression Amendment Act.
Click below to hear one of those arrested in the raids, activist Valerie Morse, speaking to the Hikoi outside Police National Headquarters on Molesworth Street in Wellington.
Valerie Morse has court ordered image suppression.
Click below to hear Te Kupu of hip hop crew Upper Hutt Posse addressing Wednesday’s Hikoi.

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To read more about the hikoi click here

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