Daily Voting News For October 31, 2007

Published: Thu 1 Nov 2007 08:54 PM
Daily Voting News For October 31, 2007
Guest Blogged by John Gideon of
What is going on in Colorado? One has to wonder if the Colorado Secretary of State is truly looking out for the voters. On one hand Secretary Coffman sent a suspension letter to ES but on the other hand the Colorado Statesman points out that John Gardner is still employed in his old job, testing and certifying voting systems. Gardner’s lack of any experience with voting systems was one of the reasons that the court found that Colorado must test and recertify every system used in the state. Instead of being replaced by someone actually familiar with testing and certification of voting systems or other technical experience Gardner is still in his job. As a check on Gardner the state has hired two consultants to look over his shoulder and review his work. The consultants are Paul Craft who has a degree in Restaurant and Hotel Management and who was, in part, responsible for the qualification of most of the failing voting systems used in the US at this time. He was on the NASED voting systems panel that rubber stamped the reports from the ITAs that were bought and paid for by the vendors. Also a consultant is Glenn Newkirk. Newkirk reviewed and approved many systems for different states. Included in his failures are the Advanced Voting Solutions voting machines that were recently found to have 1946 anomalies in their source code. Neither consultant has met a vendors product he does not like. I ask again, “What is going on in Colorado?”...
NAtional: "Uncounted: The New Math of American Elections" LINK
National: It's not fraud, it's alienated voters LINK
National: Opinion – Vote early, count often LINK
Arkansas: Baxter County - Election Commission requests additional funding for next year LINK
California: Voting rules rile area officials Secretary of state restricts use of widely employed touch-screen machines. LINK
California: Alameda County - Local Voters Alarmed by Letter Error LINK
California: Butte County - Grubbs: Nixing e-vote will cost county LINK
California: Riverside County - County moves ahead with new voting system LINK
Colorado: Despite thorny record, Coffman retains Gardner LINK
Florida: Sarasota County - A closer look at the GAO's Florida District 13. No smoking gun...Not if but when and how often. Could Red be next? LINK
Kentucky: Democrats blast Grayson over provisional ballots Others say dust-up is all about politics LINK
Ohio: Belmont County - Paper Ballots To Replace Touch-Screen Voting In Some Locations LINK
Pennsylvania: Lackawanna County - Voting officials warn of pen, paper pitfalls LINK
Pennsylvania: Wayne County preparing itself for a paper election LINK
**"Daily Voting News" is meant as a comprehensive listing of reports each day concerning issues related to election and voting news around the country regardless of quality or political slant. Therefore, items listed in "Daily Voting News" may not reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or Scoop.**
John Gideon Co-Director and Information Manager VotersUnite.Org
John Gideon Co-Director and Information Manager VotersUnite.Org

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