Daily Voting News For April 26, 2007

Published: Tue 1 May 2007 07:59 PM
Daily Voting News For April 26, 2007
Guest Blogged by John Gideon of
In a statement today, Tova Wang of the Century Foundation says in part, “Over the last few weeks, there has been a developing controversy in the press and in the Congress over a report on voter fraud and voter intimidation I co-authored for the Election Assistance Commission (“EAC”). It has been my desire to participate in this discussion and share my experience as a researcher, expert and co-author of the report. Unfortunately, the EAC has barred me from speaking. Early last week, through my attorney, I sent a letter to the Commission requesting that they release me from this gag order. Despite repeated follow-up, the EAC has failed to respond to this simple request. In the meantime, not only can I not speak to the press or public -- it is unclear under the terms of my contract with the EAC whether I can even answer questions from members of Congress.” ...
NAtional: Tova Andrea Wang, Co-Author of the Voter Fraud and Voter Intimidation Report for the Election Assistance Commission, Calls for an End to the Censorship LINK
National: EAC Censors Writer/Researcher LINK
National: Voter Fraud and the EAC LINK
National: A French e-voting "catastrophe" LINK
National: It's Time To Outlaw Paperless Electronic Voting in the U.S. LINK
National: Mark-Up of HR 811 Delayed LINK
California: Opinion - California registrars' fears shouldn't stop e-voting tests Flawed machines are a threat to the election process. LINK
Connecticut: Don't fear the voting machines LINK
Florida: Clint Curtis Campaign Calls for Congressional Investigation of His Contested U.S. House Race Against Tom Feeney LINK
Kentucky: Franklin County - Runoff preparation begins LINK
North Carolina: Edgecombe County - Edgecombe board OKs voting plan (IRV) LINK
New York: Troy - Vendors Try an End Run Around NYS Election Law LINK
Pennsylvania: Bucks County - 2 Dems object to Bucks mailing LINK
Pennsylvania: Philadelphia - Justice Department Resolves Voting Rights Lawsuit Against Philadelphia LINK
Tennessee: Rhea County - Election Commission hold cards close to vest LINK
Vermont: Senate OKs instant runoff voting LINK
**"Daily Voting News" is meant as a comprehensive listing of reports each day concerning issues related to election and voting news around the country regardless of quality or political slant. Therefore, items listed in "Daily Voting News" may not reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or Scoop.**
John Gideon
Executive Director and

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