Deady Manning Greg O'Connor: When Cops Go Very Bad

Published: Wed 4 Apr 2007 03:59 PM
95bFM Audio: Deady, Manning, Greg O'Connor – When Cops Go Very Bad
95bFM Audio: Paul Deady examines what changes we can expect to see resulting from this Commission of Inquiry into sexual inappropriateness and dodgy police practice going back 25 years! Is this just a few bad apples? Scoop's Selwyn Manning says No way, it is institutionalised malpractice! Police Association's Greg O'Connor says yes!

95bFM Audio: (click here to listen)
Scoop's Selwyn Manning & 95bFM's Paul Deady discuss: what changes can we expect to see resulting from this Commission of Inquiry into sexual inappropriateness and dodgy police practice going back 25 years! Is this just a few bad apples? No way!

95bFM Audio: (click here to listen)
95bFM's Paul Deady interviews Police Association president Greg O'Connor regarding the Commission of Inquiry report that discovered a culture of sexual inappropriateness, cover-ups, and abuse going back 25 years. He says it was just a few bad cops!

ALSO: FULL COVERAGE: Report Into Police Conduct Made Public Commissioner Of Police Apologises To Victims Of Officers
- Howard Broad: "I find it difficult to express in words my feelings about these people for they have caused immeasurable damage to a number of New Zealanders that they had sworn to protect... I acknowledge the hurt and harm that's been done and the grief that's been caused to you, your families and supporters." See this and more, including the entire report. See... FULL COVERAGE: Inquiry Into Police Conduct

Scoop Audio:
Scoop's Selwyn Manning & Radio Adelaide's Peter Godfrey discuss: the release of a Commission of Inquiry report into a culture of sexual deviancy within the New Zealand Police.

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